Rental conditions

,, DRIVE HOUSE,, SRL,, hereinafter referred to as Lessor, 

On the other hand, the client - hereafter the Lessee.

2. Definition of Parties

2.1 The lessor transfers, and the lessee receives temporary use and possession of the car.

2.2. The lessee, for renting the car, pays the rent according to the conditions of these rules.


3.1. The transfer of the car to the lessee is based on a delivery-acceptance document, signed by both parties, in which the date and time of transfer will be written.

3.2. If, upon return, the car will have visible signs of damage and/or shortages, these will be recorded in the return document, after which the car will be examined by a specialized company to determine the material damage.

3.3. The return of the car from the lessee to the lessor is based on a deed of restitution, which will be signed by both parties, in which the date and time of the restitution will be written.

3.4. The lessee is obliged to return the rented car at the expiration of the term established in the contract, in the condition in which it was sent to him, taking into account the normal wear and tear of the car.


4.1. The lessor undertakes:

4.1.1. To deliver the car to the lessee in good functional condition, according to the destination, respecting all the contractual conditions;

4.1.2. To present the tenant with the appropriate documentation for the car and the necessary accompanying equipment. 

4.2. The lessor has the right:

4.2.1. To demand payment of the rent from the lessee, according to the lease contract;

4.2.2. To ask the tenant to repair the damage caused as a result of the non-execution or improper execution of the obligations resulting from this contract;

4.2.3. To check the operating conditions of the car;

4.2.4. To transfer his rights resulting from this contract to third parties, informing the lessee about this.



5.1 The tenant undertakes:

5.1.1 To use the car according to the destination, in compliance with the technical rules and road traffic regulations, and the provisions of this contract;

5.1.2. To keep and ensure the functional condition of the car, and bear all the expenses related to its operation.

5.1.3. Not to use the car to push or tow other means of transport.

5.1.4. To pay on time and in full the rent and any payment to which he will be obliged according to the contract.

5.1.5. To use the car only on the territory of the Republic of Moldova (with the exception of the Transnistrian region - territory not controlled by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova). In case the lessee wants to drive the car across the borders of the Republic of Moldova or in the region on the left side of the Dniester (Transnistria), he is obliged to inform the lessor about this and to obtain written consent from him. In case of violation of these provisions, the Tenant will pay a penalty in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) lei. If the lessee has received the consent of the Lessor to go abroad with the car, in a certain country, and the lessee moves to another country (which is not indicated in the itinerary), then the lessee will pay a penalty in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) lei. At the same time, if the Lessee goes abroad with the car, and it is subject to control at customs, and if, following the control, the car is damaged aesthetically or in any other way, the Lessee undertakes to pay the full damage caused.

5.1.6. To return the rented car at the expiration of the term established in the contract, in the same condition in which it was delivered, taking into account the normal wear and tear of the car.

5.1.7. In case of using the car outside the Republic of Moldova, he must carry out all the repair work of the car at his own expense, regardless of the cause of the breakdown.

5.1.8. To carefully check the technical condition of the car when receiving it from the lessor and, if he notices any damage or deficiencies, to record them in the delivery-receipt act. If no damage or deficiencies are recorded in the delivery-receipt act, it will prevail the presumption that any deterioration of the car was caused by the lessee and he will be obliged to pay all the costs of repairing the car.

5.1.9 Not to use the car as a TAXI or for driving instruction, otherwise a penalty of 2000 (two thousand) lei will be paid.

7.1.10. Not to participate with the car in car races, tests or sports competitions, in case of contract will pay a penalty in the amount of 2000 (two thousand) lei.

7.1.11. Do not exceed the maximum speed of 130 km/h, otherwise you will pay a penalty of 2000 (two thousand) lei for each time you exceed this speed limit, and/or the rental price will be changed with an addition of 850 lei/day. At the same time, if during the rental period the Lessee violates the speed limit of more than 130 km/h 3 times, the Lessor has the right to unilaterally terminate this contract, and the money paid for the rent is not returned. 7.1.12. Do not open the engine hood without the consent of the Lessor, otherwise you will pay a penalty of 1000 (one thousand) lei. In case of necessity, the tenant can open the hood but will have to notify the Lessor by phone, informing about the need to open.

5.1.13. Not to repair the car without the consent of the Lessor, otherwise he will pay a penalty of 10,000 (ten thousand) Lei.

5.1.14. If you have received the consent of the Lessor to make repairs to the rented car, to make the repairs only at an authorized car service independent of the brand of the rented car and to oblige to present the invoices and the guarantee coupons for the works. Otherwise, you will pay a large penalty of 10,000 (ten thousand) Lei and plus the amount needed to repeatedly make repairs at an authorized car service.

5.1.15 Not to give it to third parties (for a fee or free of charge) unless with the written consent of the lessor, otherwise he will pay a penalty in the amount of 2000 (two thousand) lei and this contract will be unilaterally terminated and the money paid for rent is not refundable.

5.1.16. Not to make any changes to the interior, exterior, technical aspects of the car and not to change its destination.

5.1.17. To maintain the car in a clean condition inside and out, and to ensure its security.

5.1.18. To use only A-95 brand gasoline (euro premium) or Euro Diesel, depending on the car's requirements. If the car is fueled with an inappropriate fuel (ENGINE---GASOLINE), the Tenant is obliged to pay a penalty in size of 10,000 (ten thousand) Lei.

5.1.19. In case of exceeding the limit of the traveled distance established in p3.2. The tenant undertakes to pay an additional 4 (four) lei for each kilometer exceeded.

5.1.20. At the end of the term of this contract, to return the car with all the accessories and all the documents that were sent to him.

5.2 The tenant has the right

5.2.1 To ask the lessor to hand over the car in good technical condition, for use according to the destination, for the term established in the contract.

5.2.2 To ask the Lessor to extend the rental period, only if the vehicle has not been reserved by another person.

5.2.3 To use the car outside the borders of the Republic of Moldova or in the Transnistrian region only with the written consent of the Lessor.


6.1. The lessee is responsible for non-payment of the rent on time, being obliged to pay a penalty of 0.3% for each day of delay, of the amount not paid on time.

6.2. If the lessee returns the car in a deteriorated condition, he is obliged to repair the material damage caused to the lessee. The lessee must return the car in the same condition in which he received it.

6.3. If upon return the car is in a deteriorated condition and is to be repaired, the lessee is obliged to pay the amount of lost income for the period in which the car was under repair. The lost income for one day is equal to the amount of rent for one day.

6.4. If the car has been involved in road accidents, during the period of being used by the lessee, the lessee is responsible for all damages.

6.5. The lessee is responsible for material and moral damages caused to other people, during the rental period, if the damages are related to the car that was rented.

6.6. The lessee is responsible for the damages caused by the persons to whom he entrusted the car.

6.7. If the car has been damaged and the lessee wants to repair it on his account at the car service, he can do so only with the consent of the lessor and only at an authorized car service, otherwise he will be liable according to the contract.

6.8. If, after the rental period expires, the lessee does not return the rented car, the lessee is obliged to pay the rent to the lessor for all the days he kept the car beyond the rental period established in the contract.

6.9. If, during the rental period, the car will be taken by the police at the parking lot, the lessee will pay the lessor a penalty of 3000 (three thousand) lei. This penalty does not exempt the lessee from paying the fines established by the legal authorities, as well as from paying the rent for the entire period until the car is returned to the Lessor.

6.10. If any goods were stolen from the car during the rental period 

(Thefts, robberies) or certain parts of the car, the lessee is obliged to repair the material damage caused, paying the lessor the value of the goods.

6.11. If the car is returned without being cleaned or shows traces of dirt, the lessee pays an additional amount of: 300 lei for single cars; 350 lei for SUV cars; 400 lei for Vito cars; 450 lei for trucks.

6.12. If a third party will guarantee the execution of the obligations of this contract, both the lessee and the third party (the guarantor), in case of litigation, will be jointly and severally liable to the lessor.

6.13. The car is equipped with a GPS system, which allows monitoring the speed, location of the car, etc. The Lessee consents to the fact that the data provided by the Gps system will be processed by the Lessor, and in the event of violations provided for in Chapters VIII and IX of this contract, established with the help of the Gps system, the Lessee undertakes to pay the respective penalty.


7.1. This contract is concluded in two copies, one for each party. 

7.2. This contract enters into force on the date of signing by the parties and is valid until the full performance of the obligations by the parties.

7.3. Situations not foreseen by this contract will be regulated by the legislation in force of the Republic of Moldova.